South African Weather
Our logo, what it represents

  This is what our Radio station's logo stand's for and what it represents: It represents the colors of salvation




The White background - Purity: I will be clean; wash me, i will be whiter than snow, Psalm 57:1.




Red - Blood of Jesus: God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement through the shedding of His blood  be received by faith, Romans 3:35




Blue -  Baptism: Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved,  but whoever does not believe will condemner, Mark 16:16.




Green - Growth: But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be both now and forever! Amen, 2 Peter 3:18.




Yellow - Heaven: We shall live in the city of gold, Rev 21:18-21




The rainbow - Represents the miracles that we shall see, and also reminds us of God's promises, Gen.8:2




The dove is only a symbol which represents the Holy Spirit, it is not the Holy Spirit,  Matt. 3:13-17, the dove also represents purity.




The Cross reminds us, that Jesus died for our sins, and that He was given, because of God's unconditional love, John. 3:16.




The Radio waves represents, our mission to broadcast the Gospel to the four corners of the earth.